All workshops will be held on Thursday 10/22/2009 between 2:30 and 5:00pm.
Register for the symposium and the respective workshops under
WS1 - Claiming legitimate rights or just looking for a handout
Diverse legal rights for persons with disabilities were drafted in the Styrian Disabilities Act. In this workshop, we will take a look at the experiences of concerned parties in the field (such as those directly affected, authorities, supporters, staff members, relatives, etc.) and how they judge the current situation.
In addition, we will also address:
-Requests/replies – without offers
-Do persons with disabilities find the services they need and do these services correspond to their ideas and wishes?
WS2 - Dual diagnosis – caught between two worlds
interdisciplinary collaboration –
practice and wishes
How does collaboration work between established specialists in the fields of psychiatry, neurology, counseling, and psycho therapy along with support workers, caregivers, and assistants?
How could the concerned parties improve their collaboration for the benefit of persons with disabilities (i.e. establishing medication plans; monitoring side effects, interactions, and involuntary commitments; communicating in a common language; etc.)?
WS3 - People that nobody wants!
What meaningful living arrangements and ways of life worth living can be developed for persons with marked behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and mental impairments?
How are these people currently living and what perspectives are currently available on site?
WS4 - Future workshop
We will deal with the concepts of leisure and living and the diverse approaches to these fields of activity and experience.
What trends are there in leisure and living on a societal level and how do persons with disabilities find and structure their approaches in this area?
WS5 - supported living - independent living
The goal is to compare living and leisure with other services as well as to discus concepts such as supported employment with regard to certain criteria, evaluations, and regular transnational exchanges, while incorporating current issues such as independent living.
WS6 - Self-determination = self-responsibility?
Where is the line between self-determination (autonomy) and subjection to someone or something else (heteronomy)?
We will take a look at dilemmas arising between wanting and being able to do something as well as between ability and capability.
Does self-responsibility end where the ability to reason ends? A central theme here will be the distinction between societal precepts and individual freedom.
WS7 - What am I?
What kinds of occupational images exist?
How does the Social Support Act affect the different educational institutions, colleagues, employers, employees and persons with disabilities?
What will go on to change in this area in the future?
Do the key course elements in relevant educational programs correspond to the demands of the field?